OnlineMedEd currently offers three subscription options to best suit your learning needs and set you up for success.
All subscriptions provide you with full access to all of our 600+ lessons and cover many areas of study in Preclinical and Clinical sciences.
All lessons include the following helpful learning tools to help you succeed:
- Illustrated Notes
- Whiteboard Video Lessons
- Challenge Questions
- Anki Flashcards
- Whiteboard Graphics
- Downloadable Audio Lectures
Plan Options:
You get the biggest bang for your buck with our annual plan saving $350 by paying $36 a month vs. $65 a month. You also get exclusive access to our Whiteboards books: Preclinical Foundations, Organ Systems, and Clinical.
This also grants you access to our new course specifically created to help you learn how to help you as you tackle your studies most efficiently and our Food as Medicine lessons!
***All plans will have full access to our OnlineMedEd Community which will be launched soon***
What is the community?
A central location where we will share exciting information and updates and where you can engage with other medical students while keeping you in the know and limiting our emails to you!
- New lessons or content updates
- Question of the week
- Student-to-student forum
- General updates
All plans can be canceled through your account section, or you can Contact Us if you need help.